My heart rate is normal at 158 Bpm, I am now 2.25 cm and my yolk sac is about 0.35 cm, it also grows to meet my needs.
Friends, see you soon
"For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother's womb." - Psalm 139:13
Hi, There's a new addition in our family, her name is Dannie. She's my little sister. We will share this site from now on. This site contains poems, photos and videos taken by my dad, and with stories of joy and laughter...After 9 months of waiting, finally, I met my little sister... Join us in our new journey towards adulthood. It's going to be more exciting.
My heart rate is normal at 158 Bpm, I am now 2.25 cm and my yolk sac is about 0.35 cm, it also grows to meet my needs.
Friends, see you soon
"For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother's womb." - Psalm 139:13
The doctor advise my mom to continue taking Duphaston™, Folart (Folic Acid) as well as Neurobion® (Vitamin B) until the next visit on April 18, 2009. Likewise, she need to drink Anmum once a day which is high in calcium and iron to meet the extra requirements for these nutrients during my mom's pregnancy.
My parents received a bunch of messages of thanksgiving and prayers when they announced that my mom is pregnant. It's good thing to know that many people pray for my mom and dad and rejoicing with us. We are too blessed to have them in our life.
"We're so happy for the 3 of you...we will pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy for Chie..." - Joel & Agirl
"We are so happy for the baby! and indeed a great blessing! Take good care of Chie!" - Pete & Ana
"It is really a great blessing!A baby is a gift from God. Enjoy this new chapter of your life." - Pete & Ana
"George and I are very happy for you. We have been praying with you for this petition and we rejoice with you that God has finally answered our prayers. We will continue to pray for your family esp. for a safe and healthy pregnancy for Chie para may bagong playmate at barkada si baby Yanthy namin. :)" - Tere & George
"We are so happy about the good news. Do take care, chie. Hinay-hinay muna ha. I know it's so hard to adjust from an active to a slow life. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. May this signal the start of all of us getting pregnant na rin hehehe Just like you did to the Joshua and Esther groups with your wedding. God bless you two always. You'll be great parents." - Jas & Rod
The list goes on and on, some reactions are really funny but we are still blessed. They intercede for my parents and God heard them. I am too excited to be with this people, to meet them.
The same people cried with my parents when they lost "Gab" and they are rejoicing and celebrating when they knew that my mom is pregnant. It's good thing to know that my parents have these kind of friends.
Friends, See you soon!!
"Prayer makes your heart bigger, until it is capable of containing the gift of God himself" - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
"Grief melts away, like snow in May as if there were no such cold thing" - George Herber, "The Flower"
"The secret of those people who have their prayers answered is they keep on praying until God grant it. " - Anonymous
“Never stop praying, especially for others.” - Ephesians 6:18