First things first, my heartbeat should be audible by now using a hand-held, ultrasound device called a Doppler. The much awaited recording of my heartbeat will happen this morning, watch out.
My eyes are moving closer together from their original wide-set position, and my intestines, which were originally formed outside my body, are now inside my abdomen. And although you won't feel my movements for a few weeks, I can feel you – if you rub your bump I'll sense and respond to your touch with a jerky, reflexive movement.
I am already getting ready for life in the big wide world, practising swallowing and sucking – the skills I'll need to feed. My veins and organs are clearly visible through my still-thin skin, and my body is starting to catch up with my head — which makes up just a third of my body size now. If I am a girl, I now have more than 2 million eggs in the ovaries. I am almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce.
Who's that singing? Lea Salonga? Could be me: My vocal cords and larynx are completed now. Though I won't be able to make any sound yet, however, because sound waves travel through air and I am submerged in fluid. I might inherit my parents talent since they were choir members and my dad is a songwriter/musician.
For the next few weeks I'll be busy gaining weight
Friends, see! you soon
If my parents are really lucky, they might catch a glimpse of me thumb sucking on an ultrasound photo, It could be tomorrow, so my dad is preparing for the video and camera to catch this exciting show of me.
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