Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Our House

Last December 25 was my 2nd Christmas with my family but it was a lot different from the first because I am now an active toddler playing with my cousins and relatives. We celebrated Noche Buena at my grandparent's (my mom's parents) house. It was a fun filled night with games and prizes from my parents.
I wore a Santa Clause-inspired red jacket.
Who was missing: Tito Bernie and Family, Tita Luz and my momsie who are working a thousand miles away. We missed them all.
Before we continue our merry making, we offered a Birthday song to our Savior Jesus Christ. the night was like a Birthday Party for Jesus.
We ended the night with gift giving. It was indeed a very Happy Christmas for all of us.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Play time @ Gymboree Play & Music

After attending a birthday party last Sunday in Shangri-la Mall, we went to Gymboree Play & Music* for an hour of fun and playtime. Unlike other "play zones", Gymboree offers a variety of activities and obstacle courses. It's like a Gym for kids like me, where you could flex some muscles and learn at the same time.
I was in awe because there is so much room to move and so many things to play with but my favorite is playing the ball with my dad (I wished that mom was with us inside the playroom, she took the photos instead).
I got a couple of bumps while playing but I was not hurt at all. I did not finished the 1 hour allotted time for me because I was already tired and we have to hear Mass at 4pm.
Both my mom and dad is contemplating on enrolling me at Gymboree, if budget allows it (dad's note: it's a little expensive but I might enroll Gabby in one of the classes they offer if budget permits it).
Non-members: P320/hour
Members: 20% less
Membership fee: P3,200 (lifetime or until 5 years old) includes 10 game coupons

*Created in 1976 by Joan Barnes, the play centers' main purpose is to help children (in this case me) stimulate their development through music, exercise, art, and other activities as well as helping parents know how to participate in furthering their children's mental and physical growth (Source: Wikipedia).

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual/Chie Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Let's Play!: Bubbles

Let's Play!: Block That Move (Source: What to Expect)
Appropriate for: 1 year and up
Skills developed: Hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills & language development
What you'll need: Bubble Solution, Bubble Wand

Every child enjoys playing with bubbles. To take this activity to the next level (the learning level, that is), invest in a set of wands in a variety of shapes and sizes so your toddler can explore the concepts of big and small. Then take your gear outside so nature can play a role in the game, too. Explain how the wind carries the bubbles away, the same way it blows the leaves around in your yard.

Add the thrill of the chase, and the fun grows exponentially. Encourage your child to crawl or toddle after the blowing bubbles and reach for them on his own. Then show him how to let a bubble land gently on his arm (he probably won't need any instruction when it comes to popping those magical orbs!). If you want to concoct your own bubble solution, make that part of the activity, too. Let your toddler watch you mix a cup of water, a tablespoon of glycerin (readily available online or at your health-food store), and two tablespoons of dishwashing detergent. Then let him take a turn at dipping the wand into the solution. Don't forget to show him how to blow!

Playing bubbles became one of my favorite games, I love popping the bubbles. It is really a very fun-filled activities for toddlers like me. CAUTION: You will experience dizziness after the activity (I don't know why, my dad, uncles, lola tita and mom experienced it)

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Nursing Strike

According to Baby Center, a baby who refuses to breastfeed, and is not in the process of being weaned, is said to be on a "nursing strike." A nursing strike is a baby's way of telling you that something's wrong. And it'll probably take a little detective work to figure out the problem.
It happened to me last week when I refused to drink milk/breastfeed (or even eat) for two days because my tongue was infected with chicken pox. I was just recovering from pneumonia so it was really hard for me to have chicken pox, my appetite was affected and I lose some weights because of these back to back infection. Dad wanted to bring me to the hospital for fear of dehydration because I only sipped 4 ounces of milk (with the help of a teaspoon) for the entire day. (dad's note: visit my blog for related story)
Anyway, I am now okay and my appetite is back. Though right now I only drink less than 10 ounces of milk a day, I eat a lot of food especially fruits (dad's note: I hope you will drink a few more ounces of milk a day)
P.S. Goodbye feeding bottle, I am drinking my milk strait from a cup.
Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Run United 2: RunRio Trilogy

This run was our first since March 2010 (dad's note: I rested for a while because of terrible back pain) and our 3rd time to join a marathon with my mom and dad. As usual, dad pushed my stroller for 3 Km. We ran previously at the Kerygma Fun Raiser and Condura Run for the Dolphins, both at the 5 Km category.
I was not sure then if I could join my parents because I was still having a cough caused by pneumonia but dad decided to bring me with them on the day itself. We arrived a little late, in fact, almost all of the runners already finished the race but still we ran together with the 21K runners.
We finished the 3K race after 24 minutes of running, oh well, walking most of the time I guess. A far cry, from our 34 minutes finish for a 5K run. Anyway, We'll do better on our next race. Dad and I will run on the 5K category while mom will run on the 3K category at the ING Running 20, a run for a cause in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.
Marathon will be our regular activity together as a family. (dad's note: Ok, though I am still feeling some pain on my back after running, but it's tolerable now)

Have a nice day to all,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Walking on My Own

Last Sunday, November 7, after the 8 am Mass at chapel of Sto. Niño, I begun to make my steps. One , two, three, four, five: I was amazed and begun giggling. Six, seven, eight nine, ten: I was in awe and shout with gladness. I did not notices that I made a few more steps before I stopped. I am walking on my own, yahoo!!!.
I was practicing it for weeks and now I could explore my world in a different way. I can now go shopping with my mom (dad notes: I now believe that shopping is therapeutic to women, Gabby looks okay now. She was diagnosed to have pneumonia a while ago), walk with my dad and play football (at home).

I am off and running, leaving babyhood behind. My first baby steps are, after all, my first major move toward independence.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Celebrating My 1st Birthday

Today is my 1st Birthday, I am now a full pledge toddler (yippee!!). It's going to be a very exciting day for me and my parents. They were busy preparing for my birthday celebration, sleepless nights, calling one supplier after another, watching tens of videos of different party host, finding venue and all other stuff needed for my birthday. After two or three months of planning, all are set. (dad's note: LCD Projector, anyone???)

For now, I am still mastering the art of walking, I could make a step or two but still hesitating to make a few more step.

Thank you Lord for all the blessings. Thank you Lord for making me happy each day with my friends and family.

It's party!!! time.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Costume Fitting and More

Five more days to go before my 1st Birthday but there are more things to be done (dad's note: finally, everything is set after two grueling months, my back is aching so is my feet). I was so busy last weekend in preparation for my upcoming party.
We woke up as early as 5:30 to hear Mass at the Monasterio de Sta. Clara (see dad's blog site) in Katipunan where we also offer the traditional eggs for good weather (yellow cellophane). I wrote my own petition and thanksgiving. After hearing Mass, I practiced walking around the vicinity until my parents were tired.
Right after our short stay at Monasterio de Sta. Clara, we visited my grandmother and enjoyed our breakfast with them then we proceeded to our mananahi (tailor or fashion designer) (who incidentally made the gowns of my parents' secondary sponsor) to fit my costume. It is indeed beautiful! , I like it a lot (dad's note: you did a great job once again, manang).

After the costume fitting, we went home and slept for a while while my dad went to the market to buy for our food for this week (dad's note: after eating, I went to Divisoria* to buy more fancy hats and wigs). The moment dad arrived from Divisoria we tried all the fancy hats, wigs (see my photo below) and eyeglasses for a few minutes of fun and pictorials. We end the day by making the finishing touches on my party favors (No loot bags this time for kids but instead a usable item for them).

It was indeed a very tiring day for us and we only hope that all things will go smoothly as planned. Ahh!?, I can't wait to see my friends on Saturday.

*Divisoria-is the mecca of valued shopping and Manila's bargain haven.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Milk from Ninang Agirl (Zia's Mom)

I just want to thank Ninang Agirl for giving me some of her baby's (Zia's) milk supply. Actually, Zia wont need it since my Ninang Agirl is bless to have more than enough milk supply for her baby. Instead of throwing it they gave it to me as supplement to my milk supply (mom's milk is not enough to sustain my daily milk need).
Thanks for sharing your milk, Zia and thank you Ninong Joel and Ninang Agirl for bringing it at our house. Mwah!!!.. more milk...LOL
Eighteen (18) more days to go before my first birthday and the preparation is almost done. We're done with our caterer, photographer, face painter, food cart and souvenirs. There are two things we need to finalize, these are party host and my costume. Mom and dad is still searching for a good party host/magician/puppeter who is good and affordable. Distribution of Invitation is on going, we hope to finish everything next week.

Have a nice day to all,

We've been framed!!!
© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am now Eleven Months Old

Time really flies and I am fast growing like a blink of an eye (dad's note: let's go to Neverland, were kids never grow old). One month left and I will be celebrating my first birthday. I know it's going to be exciting. As a preparation, dad will begin our "Blowing a Candle 101" tomorrow and I hope I could master it quickly.
At eleven months, I could stand on my feet without help or support and I am expecting to make my first step (and second, and third and so on) anytime. I am enjoying exploring our house, I can't last playing in the crib and bruises and bumps can't be avoided.
I also gained weight and I am now at 18.50 lbs from last month's 16.72, almost 2 lbs. gain weight.

Dad and mom is finalizing the list of suppliers they are going to hire for my party needs.

Twenty eight (28) more days to go before my birthday, I know it's going to be an exciting and fun-filled party.

Have a blessed weekend,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to My Amiga Zia

After waiting for almost forty one weeks (dad's note: the last couple of days of waiting is more excruciating), baby Zia was born via normal delivery at Polymedic Hospital (now Dr. Victor Potenciano Hospital) last September 16, 2010. She's 5 lbs. and 4 oz in weight (dad's note: based on what I read in Zia's chart).
Great! job Ninang Agirl. I'm sure everyone is very proud of you.
To Zia: Welcome to the outside world. I am looking forward to our playtime and gimmick(??)

Have a nice day everyone,

Photo(s), courtesy of Ninong Joel Saludares except for my photo courtesy of my dad, ricky pascual

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Two Saturdays ago our family attended Kuya Enzo's (Mommy's officemate's son) 7th Birthday. Before we go to the venue, dad and I went to Ortigas Center to find a venue for my upcoming 1st birthday. Most of them were already booked the other one was already ceased to operate (sigh!?). I hope we could find a venue the soonest time possible for we are running out of time. (dad's note: as of today, we found two possible venue here in Marikina).
As we were waiting for my mom to arrived from work, dad and I proceeded to Robinson's Galleria to eat lunch (I ate cucumber while dad ate chicken with rice). Dad took the opportunity to bond with me. We went to Tom's World to enjoy some of the rides. It was my first time to ride on a carousel and I also tried some ride like the moving (stationary) boat. There was this plane ride that I was supposed to try but dad hesitated to insert a coin since it might move a little bit shaky. Luckily, his hesitation was right because the plane rises up to 6 feet high before it moved(dad's note: whew!!!)
After an hour of waiting for my mom, we went to Kuya Enzo's Birthday celebration at Jollibee Vira Mall in Greenhills. It was my first birthday party which I really enjoyed and It was my first time to meet Jollibee in person (I mean in mascott, ha ha ha). I was in awe as I watched him danced and moved, In short I was starstruck. I gave him a flying kiss and high five.
You may notice that I haven't uploaded any photo from these activities because dad wasn't able to recover every single images of Kuya Enzo's Birthday celebration and my little bonding with dad at Tom's World (dad's note: sorry Enzo and Mommy Lheng, sniff! sniff!)

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Different Faces

And the countdown begins, 54 days to go before my first birthday and here's a sample layout of my photos. Dad is still working on it and is still ten pages short before the photo book is finished (dad's note: I am still learning to use Photoshop and it's going to be tough since I have zero knowledge about the software).
Dad captured my portrait in different expressions and the above collage are some of it. There are lots of photos to choose from the thousand or so pictures and I'll be sharing it with you in a couple of months.
Both my parents are preparing for my 1st birthday and they're having a hard time looking for a venue preferably located in Ortigas. They've found one but they only allow in-house catering. Anyway, they hope to find a suitable venue within the week or early next week so that they could move forward.
In other matters, I already got my passport (yippee!!) last Friday in time for our November Hongkong Trip. We all hope by that time the anger of the Chinese communities because of the hostage crisis here in Manila will dissipate so that we could enjoy our vacation even more.

Have a nice day everyone,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am now Ten Months Old

It's been a while since my last blog post. Anyway this will break my almost three weeks of silence.
At this point I am just beginning to understand many simple words and phrases, so it's more important than ever to keep talking to me. Give your chatterbox a head start on good speech patterns by repeating my words back to me using adult language. Try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk — it's fun, but hearing the right words is better for my development.
Though it may sometimes feel silly, having conversations with me baby is a great way to encourage my language skills. When I rattles off a sentence of gibberish, respond with "Oh, really? How interesting." I'll probably smile and keep chattering away.
I start to make the connections. I clap my hands together, specially when we are going to the park or to a mall or just outside our gate (daddy's note: she can now imitate what we are doing like clapping of hands, high five, raise of hands in the air, different sounds among others, I am more than amazed). Teeth are coming too, as of today two are partially visible and the other two are also ready to come out.
By the way, last Friday, dad and I went to Marikina River Park for a 5 km jog (See photos below and above).

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Little Chat with Dad

Yesterday, I had a little chat with my dad while he was eating his breakfast and it goes something like this:

Dad: Hi Gabby, Will you allow daddy to work abroad?
Me: NR (No Reaction)
Dad: Gabby?!, Will you allow daddy to work abroad?
Me: Hmmm. (high pitch, like Ina Magenta of Okay Ka Fairy Ko)
Dad: (amazed and resigned) Gabby, Will you allow daddy to work abroad?
Me: Hrrrrr (in low voice like Gollum of the Lord of the Rings)

End of Discussion.

Dad's Note:

I wonder if she really understood what I was saying. To validate it, I asked her again last night (with her mom as witness):

Me: Gabby, Will you allow daddy to work abroad?
Gabby: Hrrrrr
(in low voice, again like Gollum of the Lord of the Rings)
Mommy: Ha, ha, ha!

Honestly?, I don't have any plans of working abroad though it sometimes made me thought about it. I can't imagine myself leaving the two important person in my life just to work abroad. In this time of crisis I just hold on to God and hope that He will provide for our needs. Four months had past and our company is slowly recovering causes by the recession (I too, am slowly recovering from financial setbacks).
My wife said, "di ka makakatagal mag trabaho abroad" (you wont last working abroad). I believed her, just imagining it made me cry. These too special people in my life keeps me going, keeps me on dreaming and working hard. Maybe if my family is with me, I will reconsider working abroad.

I knew that dad was only joking when he asked me this question.

P.S: I am now a member of the "Facebook" community, thanks to my dad for creating my account

P.S. 2: Baby Zia, see you soon!

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.