It's been more than three months since our baby was born, but the joy in my heart never left me. Many times I found myself looking at her while she is sleeping. Praying silently over her for protection, for grace, wisdom, strength and good health. Often times I sing to her delight (thanks Gabby in listening to me while I am singing).
I know that being a father is a great responsibility, but with joy and love I hope I am doing a good job.
The first time I carried her fragile body made me feel nervous (scared was the exact word) but now I love to carry her and watch her while she is sleeping on my shoulder as if she's telling me that she's safe around my arms (so sweet) . I can't help it but smile everytime she does it.
Recently, she had an ear infection and we need to brought her to a doctor. We don't even know if she was in pain or not because she was still smiling. I couldn't help but to make it sure that she's okay, texting her Pediatrician of what we should do.
I know that I am going to be there with her through it all. To protect her from harm, pick her up when she fall while trying to make her first step, guide her and tell her some lessons in life as she grow and I will make it sure that no one hurts her.
No one can tell what it means to be a father, any words won't fit to describe it but I will show her what kind of a father is her daddy (I hope one day my daughter will say that I am the best daddy in the world)
I am so glad she's in our life, so glad to be a father.
ricky pascual
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