Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary

Today marks the 4th wedding anniversary of my parents, so allow me to share with you a letter from my dad:

Ever dearest Mommy,
Do you remember the first (?) greeting card I gave you when I was still courting you? Here's what it said:
"Your Heart is like a door, locked from top to bottom...hope I've got the right keys to open it."
Finally, after two years of searching and trying for the right keys, you opened the door of your heart to me and the rest is history. I am always comfortable inside your heart and I hope you wont kick my b*** out from your heart (LOL).
Fourteen years (14) (including 2 years of courting and 8 years of being steady) of loving you is not enough, I need eternity for me to show you how much I love you, how much I am blessed and how much joy my heart feels.
Four (4) years of marriage is not long enough to prove that we are strong to face challenges and difficulties but for sure we could face it with much confident knowing that we are together every step of our journey.
For some, marriage is not a word, it's a life sentence, but for me marriage is a lifetime happiness knowing that you are the one person I am with. I can't imagine myself a Chie-less world.
Others said that love is one long sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock, but for me marriage is the fulfillment of that "sweet dreams", I dreamt of you for a long time and God made that dream a reality.
Today, we celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary, it may be simple as it is but for me this day is not just an ordinary day for us because we celebrate our marriage each day and each moment. We are blessed with much joy, we are blessed with a beautiful and charming daughter and we are blessed by our love for each other.
You opened the door of your heart for me 14 years ago and I don't have any plan of getting out from it, my only plan is to stay in your heart forever.
I love you always.
Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary to us.
Loving you,

P.S. 1: Here's an AVP of some of the photo taken during April 2009 to April 2010, just click here
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. I love you both.
P.S. 2: Please continue to vote for our entry at Alagang Supermoment Photo Contest, you need to sign up before you could vote (you don't need to buy Bisolvon to vote, but if you want to buy, it's much better because it's worth 50 votes). Our entry is currently at No. 17 spot. click here.
Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Breaking News!: Baby Magazine

Watch out for the June 2010 issue of Baby Magazine. This photo of me will be featured in the "Baby of the Month" section of the said magazine.
Dad sent this photo 3 weeks ago and the person in-charge e-mailed him yesterday and it says:

From: Adpromo
To: ricky pascual
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 15:36:04
Subject: Re: Baby Photo for Baby Magazine


Please email the name of this baby. She will be featured in Baby Magazine "Baby of the Month" June issue.

Dad is very much happy to broke the news to my mom and mom said that daddy is indeed a "stage daddy". Who knows, in the near future you will see me on the cover page.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My First Shoes

The shoes in this photo was given to me by my auntie's friend when they visited me in our house 3 days after I was born and I only wear this for the first time today.
I don't actually need shoes for the time being since I haven't start learning to walk (for now, it's for pictorial purpose only). In fact, experts said that supportive shoes may actually impede baby's developing mobility. Socks, booties, or soft-soled baby shoes are useful for warmth (actually these are my regular outfit), and bare feet are fine, too.
Once I take my first momentous steps, it's time for me to wear this pair of shoes regularly (or any other appropriate shoes).

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'm Six Months Old

Yesterday, I turned 6 months old and we held a simple celebration here in our house, together with my grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunties. Momsie (my grandmother) cooked pasta in white sauce and cheese cake for our dessert, while dad bought one whole roasted chicken.
The next 6 months is going to be exciting before I turned one year old. I am expected to crawl and sit on my own in a couple of weeks as well as learning to imitate sound (talk), walk, get up on my hands and knees and a lot more of exciting development.
This afternoon, I'll visit my pediatrician for another immunization (Dtap, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus), it's a combo vaccine so it wont hurt a lot (I hope so).
After immunization we'll go to the "Leadership Gathering" of the Ortigas Feast. I'll be seeing a lot of familiar faces there including my three godfathers. I'll tell you all about it when I got home.

This week's activity: Block That Move (It might be a while until I can stack blocks, but long before that I'll enjoy knocking them over.)

Upcoming Activities: Jack-in-the-Can, Pahiyas sa Lucban

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Let's Play! : My Photo Album

Recognizing familiar faces is an enormous treat for me as I learn to identify people by name and association.
Here's an exercise to boost this skill.

Let's Play!: Block That Move (Source: Baby Centre)
Appropriate for: 6 months to 1 year
Skills developed: Pattern recognition
What you'll need: A small photo album – the type where the photos slide into clear plastic pockets

Buy a small photo album (one that holds 3-by-5- or 4-by-6-inch photos – one photo per page is the best) and fill it with snapshots of your baby and the people in her life. In addition to relatives and family friends, make sure you include pictures of babysitters or caregivers, neighbors, and other babies and children you know, along with favorite pets and toys.

Give the album to your baby and tell him it's her very own. Sit with her and show her the photos. Since her pincer grasp (with forefinger and thumb) is starting to develop, she’ll soon learn to grab the pages, and as she gets older she'll start to really look at the pictures and point at them.
She may react to familiar faces with excitement, or she might just be mesmerized by the parade of colorful images. Either way, store the album on her bookshelf or in her toy box, for later viewing together. It'll quickly become a favorite.
I was in awe the first time dad and I do this exercise, he sat with me and pointed each person on the photos, sometimes I make some, "oohs" and sometimes I gave a loud laugh. It was fun doing this exercise and recognize people I know. It's true, it became my favorite activity.
The photo above was shot yesterday for visual on how I responded well in this exercise.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Praying for H.O.P.E.

Almighty Father, I thank you for all the blessings you are giving me. I thank you for allowing me to be born here in the Philippines, a country of democracy who believe that all things are possible in Christ alone.
We thank You for the privilege of being able to organize ourselves politically. May our nation be awaken and exercise our duty and vote with a sense of thankfulness. May they choose for the rightful person and not commit another mistake.
I pray for an honest, orderly and peaceful election. Lord, I can't cast my own vote, I could only pray that my fellow Filipino will exercise their duty and vote wisely and correctly. Give them the wisdom to choose for a worthy candidate and discern for the rightful person who will lead our nation for the next 6 years.
Our Nation doesn't need a leader who is just intelligent, who uses the weaknesses of my poor countrymen or who just tell lies and empty promises. I pray for a President who fears the Lord, righteous, just, who has integrity and wisdom, and who will serve our country above all else (only second to you) and not thinking anything for his own advantage and gain.
I pray for all the election officers, Parish pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV), Philippine National Police (PNP), Arm Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Commission on Election (COMELEC), who are given the responsibility of ensuring an honest, orderly and peaceful election. Give also those people who will not be allowed to vote because of unforeseen events a forgiving heart and understanding.
I acknowledge You today as Lord, not only of individuals, but of nations and governments. I rejoice today that we are citizens of Your kingdom. May that make us all the more committed to being faithful citizens on earth. The decision of this generation will affect my future. May my generation enjoy a first world and renewed Philippines.
I ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord who lives and reign forever and ever. Amen!.
Let Your will be done, O Lord.

Have a nice day to all,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Letter From My Dad

Here's a letter from my dad, he's in senti mode right now, dad, are you okay? (dad's note: Aside from migraine, I'm fine).

To My Adorable Daughter:

I am sitting right in front of my computer looking at your photos and I can't help but mesmerize by your charm and sweetness. Your smile is so addictive, it made my day complete. Your eyes speak a lot of words, like "mom, I love you" or "dad, you're so loving" and so on.

I am soooo blessed and honored to have you as my daughter, it's simply amazing. Thinking about you each and every second of my day. I am excited to go home knowing that you are there waiting for me and mom, ready to throw your arms around us.
Our summer getaway last week is unforgettable, you made me prouder. Our friends adore you so much, your sweetness melt their heart away and you made our long trip a lot easier because you entertained us all with your giggles and laughter. I hope you enjoyed riding on your pool cruiser, next time we will swim together (mom's note: learn to swim first).
Next month is a new adventure for you, it would be your first Festival.
I love you Gabby, I know you will grow a fine young lady, loving God and loving us.
To My Loving Wife:
It's been more than a year since our very last trip before we rest for a while. Our summer outing in Subic is unforgettable because it's our first trip with Gabby.
I just loved watching both of you while enjoying each other's company. I just adore both of you. You mesmerize me with your charm.
You are doing a great job taking care of our daughter. Purely, breastfeeding her is really a big task for you. Look at our Gabby, she's healthy, adorable and charming. Both of you are my strength and my "happy thoughts". I can't wait spending another weekend getaway with both of you (our next trip: Pahiyas in Lucban, Quezon)
I love you always.

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Sense of Hearing

The inner ear is fully developed by the time the mother is about 20 weeks pregnant, and babies are born with fully developed hearing – so I am ready to listen and learn from the get-go.
From birth, babies pay close attention to voices, especially high-pitched ones. Babies will respond to familiar sounds (I am already familiar with my parents' voices and I startle at loud or unexpected noises.)
How babies respond to sounds depends in part on temperament. A more sensitive baby (like me) jumps at every little noise.
By around 2 months, most babies get quiet when they hear familiar voices and make vowel sounds like "ohh' and "ahh".
At about 4 months, I started to look for the source of a sound, and by now I am trying to imitate sounds (dad's note: can't wait to hear Gabby to say single words like "ma-ma" and "da-da".

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just for Laughing

Playing and laughing with my dad. Dad didn't capture much of my "laughing trip"

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of this video may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above video were taken/edited by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the videographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Summer Getaway in Subic

We've just arrived from our summer Outing in Camayan Cove Beach Resort in Subic and here's what happened yesterday and this morning:
My bathing suit is identical (almost) with my mom's bathing suit. Not enough fabric to make it 100% identical. I was so excited to ride on my pool cruiser but we need to wait time around 3pm so that it wont be to hot to take a dip in the water.
We spent the night at Subic Homes the house is fully air conditioned, so I slept soundly after i spent a couple of hours with my mom's officemate. They were all fond of me and I smile and show them how cute I am (dad's note: I am very proud).
This morning we went to Boardwalk and The Lighthouse, a lot of pictures where taken and after a couple of hours we went back to Subic Homes and prepare going home. We arrived at around 6pm. That's all for now, we are still going to my Ninong Joel's place for their CG (Caring Group)Meeting.

I'll let my dad tell more about our summer trip (dad's note: visit my travel blog and my photo blog).

Have a nice day,

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My First Summer Getaway

Our family is preparing for our first summer getaway (my mom's company outing) this coming Friday in Subic. Mom bought me sunglasses to protect my eyes from the heat of the sun.
They also bought me a sunblock to protect my skin and also a pool cruiser (fish design) For me to travel around the pool (or sea). Hopefully, my bathing suit will finished on time (Made to Order). My parents can't find a RTW bathing suit that fits my size.
Just this evening, Dad inflated the pool cruiser for me to have a feel of it and as expected, I've enjoyed riding on it. I think I am ready for this weekend's summer outing. I'll share about it in a couple of days.
Off course, all of these items are for picture taking purposes only. I won't take a dip into the pool and get wet (I'm still to young for it), I'll do it next time, but who knows, I might end up swimming after all. So here are some tips I got from Baby Centre:

Before your first trip to the swimming pool, phone ahead to find out if there's a playpen, pushchair access and changing tables in the changing room.

To keep babies like me safe while swimming:

  • Check that the temperature of the pool is between 84 degrees F and 86 degrees F -- if necessary, the swimming pool attendants can check it for you.
  • As soon as your baby starts to shiver, get her out of the pool and wrap her up warmly.
  • Start off with sessions of 10 minutes and build up to 20 minutes. If your baby is under one, avoid staying in for longer than 30 minutes.
  • If your baby has a cold or seems unwell, avoid going swimming.
  • If your baby has a skin complaint, check with your GP to make sure that the chlorine won't irritate his skin.

    Check out for more tips here.

    Have a nice day,

    © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

    Sunday, April 4, 2010

    My First Meal

    Since I already showed my parents many signs (head control, sitting well when supported, chewing motions, significant weight gain, growing appetite and curiosity about what my parents are eating) that I am ready to start solid food, they scheduled my first meal this morning.
    I haven't got my highchair (I hope dad could find a not so expensive chair for me) as of this moment, so my dad put me in my new stroller (courtesy of my momsie), Set-up the video and camera and voila!. They gave me about one or two teaspoons (or maybe more) of home-cooked lugaw (rice porridge).
    It's very yummy!! and it's very evident that I am so excited to taste my first solid food (see left photo). Mom had the privilege to feed me first, followed by my momsie and lastly my dad.

    Note: If a child learns to associate eating with mealtime and the dinner table, she's more likely to develop the good eating habits that can make mealtimes a family joy.

    For mom and dad: According to a baby's website I read, you should feed me 2-3 times a day until I turned 9 months old after which you could give me finger foods such as "Marie" (it's a soft biscuit here in Manila) as my merienda (LOL). Off course breast milk is still part of my daily diet.

    Easter is a new beginning, a new life; and it is timely that on this day marks a new chapter in my growth as a child. Happy Easter to all.

    Have a nice day,

    © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.