Here are the twelve
(12) most common reasons why babies cry.
Hunger - this is probably the first thing parents think when babies cry. Better learn and recognize the signs of hunger. In my case I have feeding time. Now that I eat solid foods, i am eating with them during lunch and dinner to establish eating habits. So far it works.
A dirty diaper - some babies let you know right away when they need to be changed. Others can tolerate a dirty diaper for quite a while. In my case I tolerate it most of the time.
Needs sleep - babies need a lot of sleep for sure and we often cry when we are overly tired. I usually don't have a problem sleeping at night because I know my cue (when dad prepare our bed).
Wants to be held - babies need a lot of cuddling. We like to see our parents' faces, hear their voices, and listen to their heartbeats, and can even detect their unique smell. Crying can be our way of asking to be held close.
Tummy troubles (gas, colic, and more) - tummy troubles associated with gas or colic can lead to lots of crying. I have my own experience of tummy trouble. Believe me, it's a very uncomfortable feeling.
Needs to burp - this is one of the solution to tummy troubles because we swallow air when being fed. if the air isn't released it may cause some discomfort.
Too cold or too hot - most of the time I cried when it's too hot.
Something small - Babies can be troubled by something as hard to spot as a hair wrapped tightly around a tiny toe or finger, cutting off circulation. (Doctors call this painful situation a "hair tourniquet," and it's one of the first things they look for if a baby seems to be crying for no reason.) And some babies are extra sensitive to things like scratchy clothing tags or fabric.
Teething - teething can be painful as each new tooth pushes through tender young gums. Some babies suffer more than others, but all are likely to be fussy and tearful at some point along the way.
Wants less stimulation - babies learn from the stimulation of the world around them, but sometimes we have a hard time processing it all — the lights, the noise, being passed from hand to hand. Crying can be our way of saying, "I've had enough."
Wants more stimulation - a "demanding" baby may be outgoing and eager to see the world. And often the only way to stop the crying and fussing is to stay active. This can be exhausting but luckily my parents often bring me as often as they can. My parents doesn't want me confined just in the four corners of our house 24/7. (dad's note: it helps stimulate our baby's senses, we go to the park or mall most of the time and the opportunity to learn is very big)
Not feeling well - check her temperature to rule out a fever and be alert for other signs of illness. The cry of a sick baby tends to be distinct from one caused by hunger or frustration.
Have a nice day,

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