Saturday, May 30, 2009
I Am Very Special
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Determining My Gender with Ultrasound
As mom's pregnancy develops and they start to get curious about me, one of the most common questions is "Is it a girl or a boy?"
In order to determine that I am a boy, the sonographer will need to be able to determine the shape of a penis and scrotum between my legs. This is usually possible to determine from around 20 weeks onwards, although it is also possible for some to show a little earlier.
It is important to understand that just because the sonographer can't see a penis, it doesn't mean that I am a female. It is necessary to confirm the presence of labia in order to confirm that I am in fact a girl, rather just looking for the lack of a penis.
At 17 weeks, it might be possible to determine my gender and my mom's OB-Gyne tried her luck. At the end of the check-up and ultrasound, my gender is still a mystery. Watch the video below.
The next ultrasound might not happened until a few weeks before my birth.
Friends, see you soon!!
© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of this video may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above video were taken/edited by RickyPascual and remain the properties of the videographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
17th Week of My Development

Friends, see you soon!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My Heartbeat's Recording
Finally, after 3 weeks of waiting, mom and dad were able to record my heartbeat. My heartbeat [often called fetal heart tones (FHT)] is very rapid and much faster than the normal heart rate of an adult. In fact it starts out near 180 beats per minute (bpm) and it settles into the normal range of 120-160 bpm for the remainder of the pregnancy.
Why Monitor My Heartbeat?
Monitoring my heart rate is one of the most important aspects of prenatal care. By listening regularly to my heart beat, mom and her OB-Gyne can ensure that I am in good health and growing properly.
Click the video file below to hear my heartbeat at 16 weeks and 4 days.
A very funny thing just happened during my mom's pre-natal check-up yesterday. I'll be delighted to share it with you.
Friends, see you soon!!
© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of this video may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above video were taken/edited by RickyPascual and remain the properties of the videographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.
Monday, May 18, 2009
16th Week of My Development

In the next few weeks, I will double my weight and add inches to my length. Right now, I'm about the size of an avocado: By the end of this week I will be approximately 5.31 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces.
The patterning of my scalp has begun, though my locks aren't recognizable yet. My heart pumps around 25 quarts of blood per day. However, by week 40 this amount will increase to 1,900 quarts per day!
Monday, May 11, 2009
15th Week of My Development
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mom's Prenatal Check-up & The Fetal Doppler
Thursday, May 7, 2009
How Beautiful...
Monday, May 4, 2009
14th Week of My Development