Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

26th Week of My Development

My nostrils are opening up, so I'll be able to practise breathing through my nose as well as my mouth. My eyes are developing the ability to focus, although I'll only be able to see objects 15-20cm away at birth. My lungs are maturing and I'd have an 80 per cent chance of survival if I was born now.
Lengthwise, My growth has slowed down now, but I am still gaining lots of fat. my movements are likely to be strong enough to be seen from the outside, and mom may be able to make out the rough shape of a protruding foot, elbow or bottom. The network of nerves to my ears are now fully developed, and I'll noticeably react to external noises. I am also likely to have a burst of activity just after mom have eaten.
I now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If I am a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into my scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.
Did you know that I will be born with over 70 reflexes that develop in the womb. One of the strongest is sucking – some babies are even born with sucking blisters on their thumbs or fingers, because the urge to latch on is so strong. Amazing!!!!
Friends, see you soon!!!

Image from:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

25th Weeks of My Development

The cortex (outer layer) of my brain is developing into layers, paving the way for sophisticated brain activity like thinking, feeling and planning in years to come. My eyes are fully functional, and I may blink as a reflex reaction to a loud or sudden noise. (Studies have also shown that an unborn baby will turn her head if a light is shone onto the mum's abdomen, proving that her optic nerve is now working.)
My lungs are maturing by the day and I am making breathing motions, although if I was born before 37 weeks, it's likely I need help to breathe. My sense of smell is developing, too – one study showed that babies whose mums ate lots of garlic responded more strongly to the smell after the birth. Tiny blood vessels called capillaries are now developing beneath the surface of my skin, which will give my skin its pink colour.
Head to heels, I am now measures about 13 1/2 inches. My weight — a pound and a half — I am beginning to exchange my long, lean look for some baby fat. As I does, my wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and I'll start to look more and more like a newborn. I am also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
Did you know that scans at this stage have shown that babies appear to smile and cry in the womb, although the jury's out on whether these are genuine expressions of emotion or just instinctive muscle movements. Amazing!!!
Friends, see you soon!!!


Only 2 weeks left before the 3rd pace of my development begins.

What to expect: Mom and Dad will be attending "Parenting 101" this coming week, I'll be glad to share it with you.

Image from:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Prenatal Check-up @ 22 Weeks & 4 Days

This ultrasound video was taken two weeks ago. It shows that my hand, fingers and other part of my body is almost complete. Three months to go and I am ready to see the outside world (LOL).

"I thank you for the wonders you have done, and my heart praises you for the marvelous deeds. Even my bones were known to you when I was being formed in secret, fashioned in the depths of the earth."- Psalms 139:14-15

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of this video may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above video were taken/edited by RickyPascual and remain the properties of the videographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Breast Crawl

Last Saturday, my mom and dad attended a free "Breast Feeding" seminar held at Medical City in Pasig City. It gives tips on feeding, positioning, pumping and storing milk, weaning, and basically any other problem mom could possibly come across.

One of the video shown is the "Breast Crawl"., were in the new born (naturally) baby is laid on her mother's chest and wait for the baby to find her mother's breast and literally crawl and latch on without assistance. This only shows that God designed women to feed their child like this. Every newborn, when placed on the mother's abdomen, soon after birth, has the ability to find its mother's breast all on its own and to decide when to take the first breastfeed.

UNICEF, WHO and WABA along with the scientific community strongly recommend initiating breast feeding within an hour of birth. Evidence shows that early initiation can prevent 22% of all deaths among babies below one month in developing countries.

Watch this Video:


So excited to do this one of course.

For more information about breast crawl, log on to

Friends, see you soon!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

24th Week of My Development

An important milestone this week – I am now viable. In other words, I have a good (around 40 per cent) chance of survival, with medical help, if I was born right now. Nevertheless, with every day that passes, my lungs mature a little more and my chances of survival get better.

I am growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts me at just over a pound. Since I am almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), I cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but my body is filling out proportionally and I'll soon start to plump up. My brain is also growing quickly now, and my taste buds are continuing to develop. My lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help my air sacs inflate once I hits the outside world.

My skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon. It will thicken and become padded with fat until it's opaque.
I am very active because I still has plenty of room to move around inside my mom. with her blood vessels, bones and organs visible through it, but over the coming weeks

Did you know that my eyelids will open properly around now, and I'll begin to experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep – the state associated with dreaming. Amazing!!!

Friends, see you soon!!!

P.S. I'll be sharing with you in the next couple of days my latest video inside my mom's womb (Dad is still editing it)

Image from:

Monday, July 6, 2009

23rd Week of My Development

At 23 weeks, my hearing is well established and I can make out a distorted version of mom's voice, the beating of her heart and her stomach rumblings. Loud noises often heard in utero (meaning in the uterus), such as the barking of a dog next door or the roar of a vacuum cleaner, probably won't bother me when I hears them outside the womb. Some studies seem to indicate that the unborn like me prefer classical music.
I am positively huge during pregnancy at 23 weeks, a whopping 1 pound (or almost at least!). That is quite an accomplishment for someone that used to weigh less than one ounce. I am now 11 1/2 inches (29 cm) in length. That's pretty impressive considering I could fit in the palm of hand just a few short weeks ago.
I am still making remarkable changes at pregnancy 23 weeks. Fat is still being deposited at a rapid rate but my skin is still quite red and heavily wrinkled because the skin is losing its transparency and pigment is beginning to form. The bones located in your baby's middle ear are starting to form by pregnancy week 23. because the skin is losing its transparency and pigment is beginning to form.
The pancreas is developing and it will responsible for insulin production, to help break down sugars. Oily fish in my mom's diet could help boost my health. (Women who eat oily fish while pregnant have children with better visual development, a major study at Bristol University suggests.) As I continues to grow, it has less space to move around in the uterus. Bones, muscles and organs are growing steadily.

Did you know that you may be able to see my squirm underneath my mom's clothes?. Amazing!!!

Friends, see you soon!!!


Here's the latest ultrasound that shows my genitals: Am I a girl or a boy?, make your guess

Image from:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Am I a Boy or A Girl?, Make A Guess..

Here's a snap shot of mom's ultrasound showing my genitals. The doctor doesn't want to make a guess at this point but it looks like I am a girl. The ultrasound doesn't show any indication that I am a boy but until it shows a 3 line (two lines for labia and one line for the vagina) or otherwise, my gender will remain a mystery. The absence of male genitalia doesn't mean that I am a girl.

Here's a blow-up of the above photo (sorry if it's quite blurred) to help you make your wild guess. Please don't forget to vote in my little survey found at the right portion of my main page.

Friends, see you soon!!!

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized use, edit, copy, reproduction, publication, duplication, download and distribution of any image may result in severe legal and criminal penalties under the law. The above photos were taken by Ricky Pascual and remain the properties of the photographer. Please do not use elsewhere without the owner’s permission.