I am positively huge during pregnancy at 23 weeks, a whopping 1 pound (or almost at least!). That is quite an accomplishment for someone that used to weigh less than one ounce. I am now 11 1/2 inches (29 cm) in length. That's pretty impressive considering I could fit in the palm of hand just a few short weeks ago.
I am still making remarkable changes at pregnancy 23 weeks. Fat is still being deposited at a rapid rate but my skin is still quite red and heavily wrinkled because the skin is losing its transparency and pigment is beginning to form. The bones located in your baby's middle ear are starting to form by pregnancy week 23. because the skin is losing its transparency and pigment is beginning to form.
The pancreas is developing and it will responsible for insulin production, to help break down sugars. Oily fish in my mom's diet could help boost my health. (Women who eat oily fish while pregnant have children with better visual development, a major study at Bristol University suggests.) As I continues to grow, it has less space to move around in the uterus. Bones, muscles and organs are growing steadily.
Did you know that you may be able to see my squirm underneath my mom's clothes?. Amazing!!!
Friends, see you soon!!!
Here's the latest ultrasound that shows my genitals: Am I a girl or a boy?, make your guess
Image from: http://www.babycenter.com/fetal-development-images-23-weeks
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